Recently, quite a lot of people have been asking us "have you heard any news?", "what date does your baby arrive?" and similar. It's a fair question. No-one, least of all us, knows the answer to it though so most of the time I just tell people that it can be up to 2 years before our child is referred to us and before we meet them.
Thinking about this a little, and how often these questions are asked of adoptive parents (it seems we are not alone), this evening I've been playing around with a Cafepress online shop.
If you're not sure what a Cafepress shop is ... you can create your own t-shirts, caps, baby clothes, stickers and other items by uploading pictures to be scanned/printed and then you can either just buy those items you've created or you can sell them in a Cafepress shop.
The shop is called "TeeHee Monkey" and you can visit it here ...

Adoption Update: Tote Bag with Poem : Adoption Update: Nope, no news (or baby) yet. Thanks for asking! :) Poem on reverse of tote : "The adoptive parent is 'pregnant' in a way that you can't see, They wait and hope and dream and wish, to hold their beloved child to be. xoxo" BUY ME? Click.

Adoption Update: Trucker Hat : Adoption Update: Nope, no news (or baby) yet. Thanks for asking! :) BUY ME? Click.

Do you I'm cute? Kids T-Shirt: Do you think I'm cute? Well punk, do ya? Back of shirt: It's ok, I get it. I'm to cute for words (pinching my cheeks is not an option) BUY ME? Click.

Cuter Than a Monkey Infant/Toddler Shirt OR One-sie: Cuter than a monkey swingin' in a tree, hey mummy & daddy betcha can't catch ME! The shirt for little movers. BUY ME? Click.

Bubs Bib: Dribble dribble Little one, Being clean is just no fun. BUY ME? Click.