We are now officially Mr and Mrs M....th! The wedding day was lovely and relaxing. So relaxing, as a matter of fact, that the Bride lost track of the time and when Mum and Dad turned up to collect me I was not dressed and had no make-up on whatsoever!
Mum, Dad and I had spent the day wandering around our little town, having a lazy lunch and buying a few bits and pieces here and there. I'd forgotten that I had to pick the flowers up by 2pm so we zoomed around to the florist, who summarily scolded me for coming to collect our flowers, including two VERY tall arrangements, in a Toyota 'Getz' (very small car). Ummm, yes, the bride had miscalculated a bit. Nevertheless, all was saved as they delivered them instead.
Sometimes I can be a bit tooooo relaxed. Oh well!
I was only 10 minutes late arriving for the wedding, amazingly enough. I was quite nervous, to my surprise, and so was Scotty. It is quite the thing to be up in front of everyone we love and stating to the world what is normally very private for us! I don't imagine we're the first to feel that way :)
Our Buddhist Ceremony was one that was written by Lama Yeshe. It was very meaningful for us and each word that was spoken was relevant to how we aspire to live our lives. We also wrote our own wedding vows.
If you feel like reading through our wedding ceremony, to see what I mean, you'll find it here.
Mum, Dad and I had spent the day wandering around our little town, having a lazy lunch and buying a few bits and pieces here and there. I'd forgotten that I had to pick the flowers up by 2pm so we zoomed around to the florist, who summarily scolded me for coming to collect our flowers, including two VERY tall arrangements, in a Toyota 'Getz' (very small car). Ummm, yes, the bride had miscalculated a bit. Nevertheless, all was saved as they delivered them instead.
Sometimes I can be a bit tooooo relaxed. Oh well!
I was only 10 minutes late arriving for the wedding, amazingly enough. I was quite nervous, to my surprise, and so was Scotty. It is quite the thing to be up in front of everyone we love and stating to the world what is normally very private for us! I don't imagine we're the first to feel that way :)
Our Buddhist Ceremony was one that was written by Lama Yeshe. It was very meaningful for us and each word that was spoken was relevant to how we aspire to live our lives. We also wrote our own wedding vows.
If you feel like reading through our wedding ceremony, to see what I mean, you'll find it here.
Scotty was amazing throughout the ceremony. While saying his wedding vows he was quite choked up which almost made me cry too. What a sweet heart he has! I am one fortunate girl :)
We're waiting on the wedding photos now so I will post ones of Scott and I then. Meanwhile I've added a few from the wedding video (which was disappointingly dark) in the meantime.
The photos below are : (left to right) Bronwyn & I ...Me, Tenzin, Scott ...My handsome Husband the morning after the Wedding.