We managed to finalise 90% of our wedding plans today. LOL.
I Love Sleep
I'm sure some are going to think we're pregnant, being that we're having our wedding in 2 and a half months ... we WISH our adoption would only take 9 months. It's a common joke amongst adoptive parents that adoptions involve the longest gestation period EVER! It's also quite common for people to start the adoption process to find themselves pregnant all of the sudden.
We're very involved in the adoption process, after 2 years of talking about it and 6 months of researching, talking to other adoptive parents and the like.
When all is said and done, whichever way our child comes to us is ok by us.
- Confirmed, talked to and booked an appointment with the Celebrant (Maxine, she's a sweetheart!)
- Booked and viewed the Wedding/Reception Venue
- Selected the menu for our reception
- My dress is ordered (ok I admit, I did that weeks ago-should arrive any day now)
- Made the arrangements for the flowers
- Sent the "Notice of Intended Marriage"
- Ordered the wedding invitations
- Wrote the guest list (immediate family & a few close friends in Tas)
- Formally invited Scott's 9 yr old daughter to be our Flower girl (and only attendant)
- Considered flying to the wedding in a helicopter (then discarded that idea as a joke! hee hee)
I Love Sleep

I'm sure some are going to think we're pregnant, being that we're having our wedding in 2 and a half months ... we WISH our adoption would only take 9 months. It's a common joke amongst adoptive parents that adoptions involve the longest gestation period EVER! It's also quite common for people to start the adoption process to find themselves pregnant all of the sudden.
We're very involved in the adoption process, after 2 years of talking about it and 6 months of researching, talking to other adoptive parents and the like.
When all is said and done, whichever way our child comes to us is ok by us.